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in life's journey  

Consciously Engaged

Consciously Engaged aims to inspire and facilitate staying consciously engaged in our life journeys by offering monthly engagements, experiential tools & exercises, and nuggets of wisdom acquired from leaders in the field of personal growth.

It's easy to get swept away in an often-turbulent sea of to-do's, a constant barrage of news and information, technology and social media, concerns about politics, injustices, our planet's health, as well as our own stream of thoughts, emotions, fears, and anxieties. We are often consumed by the turbulence and, needless to say, that doesn't feel very good!! Experts say this is contributing to the widespread anxiety, depression, addiction, and poor health that is prevalent today.


While the external world may remain unpredictable and largely beyond our control, it holds no power to prevent us from flourishing within. We have the ability to shift and shape our thoughts and our inner experience. ​However, accomplishing this calls for awareness and a sustained commitment to inner growth. ​And, as many of us know, this isn't always so easy to do!


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Karen Magelund, Creator
Consciously Engaged (CE)

About Me & the Inspiration for CE

Ever since I learned to meditate as a kid, I’ve had a passion for learning new ways to consciously connect with my heart and deepen my experience in the world. As a teen and adult, I sought out the wisdom of great thinkers and teachers, attended workshops, seminars, and talks, and read a library’s worth of books on spirituality and personal growth. Along the way, I’ve gathered plenty of notes and insights.


My goal with Consciously Engaged is to bring the best of those insights together, to share with others who are also on the path to living consciously and mindfully. I also share a breathing technique and guided meditation that helps me experience deep, flowing, open-hearted presence. My hope is that you’ll find the technique, or your own variations of it, helpful as well.


I know it’s easy to get wrapped-up in our turbulent and busy lives, but I’ve found that it’s easier to stay conscious when I have structure, accountability, and community. CE’s monthly “Engagements” are designed to inspire mindful living, build connection, and stimulate deeper, more authentic conversations. We have much to learn from each other and interacting on a deeper level can help catapult our growth. 


I also love to tinker with technology. My tech skills helped me create this website and the offerings within it. The tools and insights shared here are inspired by the wisdom of many thought leaders and methods that I’ve found helpful. I plan to keep enhancing and expanding these resources as I revisit my notes, explore my books, and uncover new knowledge


Thank you for joining me here on this road toward living with joy, fulfillment and inner peace. 

Sampling of the various sources of wisdom drawn for CE

Quotes and wisdom will be drawn from the list below as well as from other authors/teachers, talks, workshops, published content, etc.

Some of the more well-know authors/teachers currently on my bookshelf (and the list is always expanding!):


Alexandra Stoddard


Anita Moorjani

Anthony Robbins

Barbara De Angelis

Barbara Marciniak

Brene Brown

Bruce Lipton

Byron Katie

Caroline Myss

Charlotte Kasl

Cheryl Richardson

Clarissa Pinkola Estes

James Clear

Dan Millman

David Chilton

David Emerald

David Hawkins

Deepak Chopra

Dooley, Mike

Don Miguel Ruiz

Eckhart Tolle

Elizabeth Lesser

Ernie Zelinski

Esther & Abraham Hicks

Francesca & Trungpa

Gabrielle Bernstein

Gary Chapman

Gary Keller

Gary Zukav

Geneen Roth

Gretchen Rubin

Harville Hendrix

Jack Canfield

James Redfield

Janet & Chris Attwood

Joe Dispenza

John Izzo

Jon Kabat-Zinn

Julia Cameron

Laurence Leshan

Louise Hay

Luke Rhinehart

Marci Shimoff

Marianne Williamson

Mary O'Malley

Maxwell Maltz

Michael Singer

Mike Dooley

Napolean Hill

Nathaniel Branden

Oprah Winfrey


Paramhansa Yogananda

Pema Chodron

Rhonda Byrne

Richard Bach

Richard Carlson

Robert Fritz

Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Pirsig


Shakti Gawain

Shefali Tsabary

Spencer Johnson

Stephen Covey

Sue Johnson

Susan Jeffers

Suze Orman

T. Harv Eker

Thaddeus Golas

Thich Nhat Hanh

Thomas Moore

Vadim Zeland

Wayne Dyer

Zander & Zander

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