Deepak Chopra Wayne Dyer Esther & Abraham Hicks Michael Singer Eckhart Tolle Vadim Zeland
Eckhart Tolle
Purpose of Meditation: To connect with the "present moment" and access a state of stillness and inner peace.
Reason for Meditation:
Meditation allows you to disidentify from the mind's constant chatter and egoic patterns.
It fosters a state of presence where you can experience the "now" fully, which Tolle believes is the only real moment.
Through meditation, you become more aligned with your true essence or consciousness, rather than the stories of the mind.
Abraham Hicks
Purpose of Meditation: To achieve alignment with your higher self and the "vortex" of well-being.
Reason for Meditation:
Meditation quiets the resistance caused by negative thoughts and limiting beliefs.
By clearing your mind, you allow your vibration to rise naturally, enabling you to connect with Source Energy.
This state of alignment helps you attract your desires more effortlessly and live a life of joy and abundance.